Great Protection Dogs Start With Great Puppyhoods.

As soon as puppies are born they start exhibiting their personalities, characteristics, tendencies, drive levels and intelligence. We choose our dogs to train based on a myriad of qualities that they exhibit during their puppyhood. We want dogs that are well acclimated, confident and love working, each of these are things we scout for in puppies.

From a young age puppies should begin to be socialized with children and other dogs and animals. We recommend introducing puppies to other dogs and animals after they have had all rounds of their puppy vaccines or are cleared by their vet to begin socializing with other dogs. When old enough, puppies should begin experiencing new sights, sounds and places. Even a walk around your neighborhood is an incredible sensory experience for your puppy. Puppies should be given plenty of love and played with often. The bond you create with your puppy will be the foundation of all of the training you do.

Puppies can begin more formal obedience training at around 8 weeks old. At this age it is important that they learn how to learn as well as a few commands. The way that they are first trained will have a lasting impact on how well they take to training afterwards. Training should always be done in short bursts to accommodate their short attention spans. Training should also be positive reinforcement training, focusing on rewarding them for doing things right instead of scolding them for doing things wrong. Our puppies don’t even know the word no until 6 months old – this time is used to build up their confidence, then later we introduce boundaries and rules. This results in a dog that is brave and confident in its own ability and will be confident in their protection training.

Our puppies are raised in homes full of enriching experiences and positive training. We do everything we can so that they become well acclimated dogs that will blend seamlessly into your life. As our puppies get older they are able to start the more rigorous parts of their obedience and protection training, but while they are puppies their job is to eat, sleep, smell new things and be loved on.