Doberman Pinscher

Overview – Doberman Pinschers make incredible obedience and protection dogs. Dobermans are intelligent, alert, loyal, muscular, fast, and powerful dogs. These attributes combine to make an excellent personal protection dog. Historically this breed has been trained to do many dangerous and difficult jobs in wartime and have been esteemed and valued. These dogs are loyal and sweet and ready to become part of your family.

Doberman Protection Training – Dobermans make such great protection dogs because they love working and training. They excel in their special skills, obedience and protection training and are highly intelligent and trainable. Dobermans respond well to a variety of training. We employ positive reinforcement training and our Dobermans almost always exceed our expectations for them with this training. Dobermans are born ready to learn and do well in their puppy trainings, such as socialization and potty training. From there we build on the relationship they have with their owners and trainers and start teaching simple obedience, then high obedience and next protection work – if they are well suited to it. Even though Dobermans are intimidating dogs and usually have innate protective instincts, we test each of our Dobermans for their temperament, personality and their enjoyment of the work. Only the Dobermans who clearly check all of the boxes will be selected for protection training.

Physical Attributes: 

Males: 26-28 inches tall, 75-100 pounds

Females: 24-26 inches tall, 60-90 pounds

Short smooth coats, moderate shedders, monthly grooming needed.

Protective Instincts – From a very young age Dobermans can start showing protective tendencies. When these protective tendencies are combined with a desire to learn, work and train the end result is a dog fit for protection work.

Appearance – Dobermans are fierce looking dogs with large chests that stand tall and lean. They are intimidating with their dark colors and striking features. The standard recognized colors and combinations for Dobermans are black and rust, blue and rust, fawn and rust, and red and rust. 

Personality – Sometimes called “velcro dogs” Dobermans are incredibly affectionate to their owners and other loved ones. They employ the “dobie lean” by leaning up against your legs to get your attention and pets. Dobermans do well in families with time to give to playing and training as Dobermans are very social dogs. Once they’ve bonded with someone they will do everything they can to protect them.

Check out our lineup of Doberman champions below.